Recording strategy :
For the recording of this double quartet, I've used 2 couples : a 40cm AB and an ORTF. This was record on Protools. The microphones were 2 Schoeps Mk4 and 2 audiotechnica AT3527.
The room was the concert hall of the converatoire de tournai. The reverberation time is 2,8 s.
I've test several positions for the couple but also for the musicians.

The hight of the microphones are 1,6m.
The choice of this track :
I think we feel a good room, the instruments are well spaced and in their places, and finally we've a good dynamic, a good musician-play, a low town noise.
There is 2 musical effects: the group and each one is also soloist.
Wich stereo ?
I've finally choose the AB and not the ORTF for this track because the *** is'nt the most important. I heard clearly each instrument and their interaction , the room is more well rendered with the AB.